Nuovo album dei Chapel Club in streaming integrale [STREAM]

A due anni dall'esordio e dopo la rottura con Universal/Polydor (ora sono con la Ignition), i Chapel Club mettono fine alla travagliata storia del loro sophomore, che uscirà il prossimo 3 giugno.

La dichiarazione del frontman Lewis Bowman sul disco:

"For me, this was an attempt to prove to ourselves that we could make a pop record. Not a pop record in the sense that it would sound like the stuff in the charts, but a record that spoke to people with pop's vitality, immediacy and impact. 

Everyone in the band wanted to leave behind old habits and push in new directions, and the result was a sound that morphed and mutated even as we were making it. With the help of some amazing collaborators, we ended up with a bunch of songs that (I think) are more playful, surprising and fun than anything we had yet recorded, songs that take all the usual CC feelings of love and loss and hope and confusion and build them into odd and uplifting electronic anthems.

Odd is the key word: above all, I think it's a weird record, and not quite like anything else I've heard (which thought makes me very happy). But then, it wasn't made for me: it was made for you. Listen, and let us know if it's as fresh and fun a soundtrack to your hopes and heartaches as we want it to be"

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