Il tour d'addio dei Giant Sand

Nell'anno del trentennale della carriera, i Giant Sand di Howe Gelb hanno annunciato che stanno per intraprendere l'ultimo tour della loro carriera, in corrispondenza dell'uscita del boxset "The Sun Set", un'antologia completa della loro produzione ordinata in senso alfabetico.

Il tour sarà europeo e per la maggior parte in compagnia di Jason Lytle:

With Jason Lytle

09.04.16 - BE-Bruxelles Le Botanique
10.04.16 - NL-Amsterdam, Paradiso-Noord Tolhuistuin
11.04.16 - UK-London, Village Underground
12.04.16 - UK-Gateshead, Sage Gateshead
13.04.16 - IE-Dublin, Whelanslive
14.04.16 - IE-Cork, Cyprus Avenue
15.04.16 - IE-Galway, Roisin Dubh 
17.04.16 - UK-Brighton, All Saints Hove 
18.04.16 - UK-Bristol, The Lantern / Colston Hall 
19.04.16 - FR-Paris, Le Trabendo

Spring Tour 2016
opening set includes Brian Lopez, Gabriel Sullivan & special guest

06.04.16 - SL-Ljubljana, Kino Siska 
07.04.16 - AT-St.Pölten, Cinema Paradiso
08.04.16 - DE-Geislingen, Rätschenmühle 

Queste le parole di Howe Gelb, che proseguirà la carriera di musicista come pianista:

30 years of Giant Sand. Way back when it seemed like a long spans. But no. Just a blink of the eye.  The flutter of the lid seems like it's in a slow-motion wow, but any motion is in fast-forward compared to still life. Albums live on a shelf like a still life collection collecting decades and dust. What do we have here, collectively speaking? Musings set to motion. Here in rewind and some in fast forward. We know there's no comfortable category to place it all. Perhaps because there is no categorical comfort. The forefathers of this output have been set in rock: David Bowie, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and Neil Young. The forefathers set in ivory are probably responsible for what's coming next. But as far as rock erosion is concerned, with this collection of mega dust, this giant sand, it's high time to call it a day. 30 years seems an adequate number to aptly utter "I kinda quit". There's plenty enough here. More than imaginable. I'm very eager to see what the next blink will bring. Piano for now. Songs forever. So here's to the next 30 years of plunk rock. A circle of fifths in black and white blur. Getting on a plane with no guitar bag slung. Maybe a hat... Bolo tie too.
Thank you so very much for your participation in all of this. I will never thank you enough because I can't.  We are a fabric. A stitch in time. Sonic threads woven by our space age muses.”