Robert Fripp - “Exposures” (25xcD+3xDvd+4xBlu-ray Panegyric/DGM, 2022)
Pandemie, guerre, inflazione, crisi di governo, cancel culture: il mondo di oggi ci riserva poche certezze, se non il periodico appuntamento con i pachidermici box-set frippiani. Incurante dell’ormai evidente e irrefrenabile crisi del mercato discografico (sempre ce ne sia ancora uno), Robert Fripp mantiene fede alla sua promessa di voler indurre i propri fan a dare fondo ai risparmi pubblicando, quasi a cadenza annuale, edizioni ampliate, remixate e rimasterizzate delle proprie gesta eroiche con o senza i King Crimson.
Dopo “In The Court Of The Crimson King” (5xcd+1Dvd, 2009), “Lark’s Tongues In Aspic” (13xcd+1xDvd+1xBlu-ray, 2012), “The Road To Red” (21xcd+1xDvd+2xBlu-Ray, 2013), “Starless” (23xcd+2xDvd+2xBlu-ray, 2014), “Thrak” (12xcd + 2xDvd+2xBlu-ray, 2015), “On (And Off) The Road” (11xcd+5xDvd+3xBlu-ray, 2016), “Sailor’s Tales” (21xcd+2xDvd+4xBlu-ray, 2017), “The Complete 1969 Recordings” (20xcd+2xDvd+4xBlu-ray, 2020) e una pletora di ristampe rimasterizzate dei singoli album e di registrazioni dal vivo, vede la luce il nono, meticolosamente approfondito cofanetto della serie, dedicato per la maggior parte ai suoi fantomatici solipsismi chitarristici in chiave sperimentale, altrimenti conosciuti come “Frippertronics”.
Dopo lo scioglimento dei King Crimson, avvenuto nel 1974, Fripp si ritira dai riflettori; qualche anno dopo si trasferisce a New York per avviare la propria carriera solista e, contemporaneamente, divenire l’ambìto collaboratore di un considerevole numero di artisti, tra i quali è opportuno menzionale David Bowie (che, assieme a Brian Eno, nel 1977 avrebbe richiesto la sua chitarra su “Heroes”), Daryl Hall (“Sacred Songs”, prodotto da Fripp, fu registrato nel 1977 e pubblicato nel 1980), Peter Gabriel (“Peter Gabriel”, conosciuto anche come “II”, prodotto sempre da Fripp e pubblicato nel 1978) e The Roches & Blondie.
Il suo primo album solista s’intitola “Exposure” (1979), a cui seguono “God Save The Queen/Under Heavy Manners” (1980) e “Let The Power Fall” (1981). Nel 1981 forma la “League Of Gentlemen”, una sorta di progetto dance/new wave che, lo stesso anno, lo invoglierà a riformare i King Crimson. Tutto questo, e molto di più, è contenuto nelle oltre 100 (c-e-n-t-o!) ore di musica presenti nel box “Exposures”, licenziato dalla Panegyric/Dgm a fine maggio 2022, sotto forma di ben trentadue dischi suddivisi in venticinque cd, tre Dvd audio e quattro Blu-ray audio.
Al fidato Steven Wilson sono da attribuire due nuovi, differenti mix di “Exposure”, il mixaggio delle versioni in studio di “Under Heavy Manners”, “The League Of Gentlemen” e di numerosi inediti, presentati in Dolby Atmos, DTS-HD 5.1 Surround e 24/96 audio stereo in alta risoluzione in Blu-ray.
David Singleton si è invece occupato dei mix di “God Save The Queen”, “Let The Power Fall” e dell’album di “Frippertonics” “Washington Square Church”, che appaiono in DTS-HD Surround (Quad/4.1) e in stereo da 24/48 (WSC), 24/96 (GSTQ) a 24/192 (LTPF) sui dischi Blu-ray 1 e 4.
I tre Dvd contengono gli album principali in 5.1, Quad e alta risoluzione stereo, mentre i 25 cd presentano materiale che include i primissimi loop e tutti gli album nei mix sia di Steven Wilson che di David Singleton, più i mix originali nuovamente masterizzati e un notevole numero d’inediti sia in studio che dal vivo.
Due dei Blu-ray contengono più di 68 ore di “Frippertronics” e loop interamente restaurati, la maggior parte dei quali inediti o ascoltabili per la prima volta da quando furono eseguiti dal vivo tra il 1977 e il 1983.
Oltre al materiale audio, il box – in formato 12” – contiene un libro di 48 pagine comprendente un lungo ed esaustivo indice dei contenuti, un ingente quantitativo di foto inedite, due intensi e avvincenti contributi ad opera di Sid Smith e Al Okada, nonché diverse interpolazioni frippiane dell’epoca. A corredo di ciò, riproduzioni di poster, volantini, biglietti di concerti, foto promozionali, comunicati stampa, un paio di partiture, tra cui quella di “Breathless” (è in 7/8, ndr) e persino un biglietto da visita di Sua Maestà Robert Fripp in persona. Il tutto, al momento della stesura della presente, venduto da Amazon al molto poco attraente prezzo di € 193,56.
Cd 1
Major Loops I
Cd 2
Major Loops II
Cd 3
Major Loops III
Cd 1 – 3 comprise some of the Major Loops for Frippertronics. Disc 3 also includes the loops for the track
Breathless. Discs 1 – 3 – Material previously unreleased
Cd 4
NYC: Exposure Master Loops and Lost in the Bush of Ghosts
The master loops for Exposure plus loops recorded for the David Byrne/Brian Eno album My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
Cd 4 – Previously unreleased, except. Bush of Ghosts loops previously available as a download from under a later title. New to disc
Cd 5
Last of the Great New York Heartthrobs, Plus: Exposure alt takes/rough mixes
Disc 5 contains the original album running order/featured vocalists/original lyrics in some instances (with the original proposed album title) as mastered in August 1978, taken from the master tape and accompanied by a selection of alternate takes and rough mixes from the album sessions.
Disc 5 – Previously unreleased, except select tracks from additional material section previously available as downloads from New to disc
Cd 6
Exposure First Edition, Plus:
The 2006 master/running order of the First Edition of Exposure plus loops recorded for Here Comes the Flood.
Cd 6 – Previously released except Flood Loops
Cd 7
Exposure Third Edition, Plus:
The 2006 master/running order of the Third Edition of Exposure plus the additional material from that release album songs with Daryl Hall/ Terre Roche vocals, plus material from Peter Gabriel II, Daryl Hall’s Sacred Songs and a previously unreleased mix of Here Comes the Flood from Exposure
CD 7 – Previously released except Here Comes the Flood mix.
Cd 8
Exposure Fourth Edition, 2021 Stereo Mix, Plus:
Full album newly mixed from the original multi-track tapes by Steven Wilson following the First Edition running order and all alternate vocal performances also newly mixed and included.
Cd 8 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Cd 9
Breathless or How I Gradually Internalised The Social Reality Of Manhattan Until It Seemed To Be A Very Reasonable Way Of Life, Plus: Using another abandoned title for the album (as does disc 5) and following, approximately, that album running
order using Steven Wilson 2021 mixes and, mostly, Daryl Hall vocal performances. Also includes a sequence of previously unheard loops.
Disc 9 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Cd 10 Frippertronics: The Kitchen, NYC, 5/2/78, Disc One
Cd 11 Frippertronics: The Kitchen, NYC, 5/2/78, Disc Two
Cd 12 Frippertronics: Wintergarden, Copenhagen, 18/5/79 and Polydor, Paris 23/5/79
Cd 13 Frippertronics: Le Pretzel Enchainé, Montreal 19/8/79New masters of Frippertronics’ shows, including the legendary first NYC shows at The Kitchen and two shows from the tour to support the Exposure album release that included performances in restaurants, art galleries, record company offices, radios stations and record shops.
Cds 10 – 13 – Previously available as downloads from New to disc
Disc 14 God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners 2021 remaster, Plus:
GSTQ/UHM newly mastered from the original master tapes by David Singleton. Material released on disc for the first time in many years, plus a previously unreleased track from the same sessions, a single edit of UHM and
God Save the King from the 1985 Fripp/LOG Cd compilation.
Cd 14
Material previously released in different masters/formats.
Cd 15
Discotronics/UHM 2021:
UHM and session tracks extended versions and newly mixed tracks from the original multi-track tapes by Steven Wilson.
CD 15 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Cd 16
Under Heavy Management/Eurotronics Previously unreleased tracks from recording sessions of the era newly mixed by Steven Wilson and compiled into the equivalent of two imaginary vinyl length albums.
Disc 16 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Cd 17
The League of Gentlemen – Paradise Club, Boston, 26/6/80 (2nd show), Plus: Recorded just one week into the band’s sole US tour. Also included are two rehearsal performances including the LOG take on Disengage.
Cd 17 – Previously available as a download from New to disc.
Cd 18
Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx and The League of Gentlemen (1985 CD mixes) DGM released compilation of LOG live plus the original album tracks from the 1985 CD compilation GSTK
Cd 18 – Material previously released in different masters/formats.
Cd 19
The League of Gentlemen – 2021 stereo mixes, Plus: Newly mixed from the original multi-track tapes by Steven Wilson, including several studio recordings
previously heard on live releases only and alternate mixes of five tracks.
CD 19 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Cd 20
Let The Power Fall, 2021, Plus: Newly mastered from the original master tapes by David Singleton and on disc for the first time in many years plus a single edit and two earlier mixes of another track titled 1984 at the time of mixing.
Cd 20 – Material previously released in different masters/formats and/or previously unreleased.
Cd 21
Washington Square Church, August 1981, 2021 mixes Recordings drawn from a series of concerts at the New York City venue (the full series appears on Blu-Ray,
Disc 27). Newly mixed and mastered from the original tapes by David Singleton to produce the finest example of Frippertronics in performance.
Disc 21 – New mixes/Previously unreleased
Disc 22 Dvd
Exposure – Stereo editions and DTS Surround Sound Exposure Fourth Edition – Steven Wilson mixes plus additional material in 24/96 hi-res stereo and DTS 5.1 Surround Sound.
Last of the New York Heartthrobs in 24/96 hi-res stereo Exposure Third Edition plus additional material in 24/48 hi-res stereo
Disc 23 Dvd
God Save the Queen/Under Heavy Manners – expanded/The League of Gentlemen –
Stereo/Quad/5.1 DTS Surround Sound
GSTQ – David Singleton, 2021 master, UHM 2021 plus additional material, League of Gentlemen 2021 mixes by Steven Wilson in 24/96 hi-res stereo.
GSTQ in DTS Surround Sound (quad 4.1) mixes by David Singleton
GSTQ plus additional material in DTS 5.1 Surround Sound mixes by Steven Wilson
League of Gentlemen studio recordings in DTS 5.1 Surround Sound mixes by Steven Wilson
Disc 24 Dvd
Let The Power Fall/Washington Square Church
LTPF in 24/96 and WSC in 24/48 hi-res masters/mixes by David Singleton
LTPF/WSC in DTS Surround Sound (quad 4.1) mixes by David Singleton.
Disc 25 Exposure/Under Heavy Manners – Blu-Ray I
Exposure Fourth Edition
Exposure Fifth Edition (running order as per First/Fourth Edition but with the inclusion of Daryl Hall lead vocals on select tracks)
Breathless or How I Gradually Internalised The Social Reality Of Manhattan Until It Seemed To Be A Very Reasonable Way Of Life
Under Heavy Manners and Additional Material from the recording sessions 2021 Masters/Mixes in 24/96 in hi-res stereo, DTS-HD 5.1 Surround Sound and Dolby Atmos mixed and produced by Steven Wilson
God Save the Queen 2021 Masters in 24/96 hi-res stereo and DTS-HD Surround Sound (quad) mixed and produced by David Singleton
Exposure: Additional Material/Sessions/Under Heavy Management/Eurotronics
Newly mixed material from the sessions in 24/96 hi-res stereo in recording date sequence and sequence as per Disc 16 mixed and produced by Steven Wilson
Last of the New York Heartthrobs
Exposure Second Edition Under Heavy Manners – Original Mix (David Singleton 2021 Master) Master Recordings in 24/96 hi-res stereo
Exposure First Edition
Exposure Third Edition plus Additional Material
Master Recordings in 24/48 hi-res stereo
Disc 26 The DGM Frippertronics’ Archive Volume I – Blu-Ray II
Disc 27 The DGM Frippertronics’ Archive Volume II – Blu-Ray III
The Complete DGM Archive of Frippertronics loops, studio and live recordings 1977 – 1983 in 24/48 hi-res stereo
Disc 28 Let The Power Fall/Washington Square Church/The League of Gentlemen Blu-Ray IV
The League of Gentlemen
2021 Masters/Mixes in 24/96 in hi-res stereo, DTS-HD 5.1 Surround Sound and Dolby Atmos, Additional Material in 24/96 hi-res stereo mixed and produced by Steven Wilson
Let The Power Fall 2021 Masters in 24/192 hi-res stereo, DTS-HD Surround Sound (Quad) mixed and produced by David Singleton. Original Master plus Additional Material in 24/96 hi-res stereo Washington Square Church 2021 Masters in 24/48 hi-res stereo and DTS-HD Surround Sound (Quad) mixed and produced by David Singleton
God Save the King The 1985 Robert Fripp/League of Gentlemen compilation Masters in 16/48 stereo
Discs 22 – 28 – All material new to disc in these formats, mixes, audio quality
Disc 29 (cd) Resplendent in Divergence
A collection of Frippertronics that appeared as individual tracks on compilations, other albums and the DGM website assembled and mastered by Alex R. Mundy at DGM.
Disc 29 (cd) – Previously released, some material new to disc
Disc 30 (cd) Blasts and Blasms – Sessions, Jams and Rehearsals
Disc 31 (cd) More Blasts, More Blasms – Sessions, Jams and Rehearsals
Two discs of recordings and elements of recordings from various points during the Exposure sessions giving an insight into the process that led to the album. Assembled and mastered by Alex R. Mundy at DGM.
Discs 30/31 – Some material previously available as downloads at, most new to disc.
Disc 32 (cd) The League of Gentlemen – Royal Exeter, Bournemouth, 21/9/80, John Peel broadcast, 17/11/80
The League of Gentlemen’s autumn tour of the UK included some of the short-lived band’s most energized performances. This newly mastered audience recording is one of the few recorded examples of that tour. Also included are recordings from LOG rehearsal tapes made by the band & first broadcast on the John Peel Show on the BBC in November 1980.
Disc 32 – Some material previously available as a download from New to disc.